Yuki Matsuri! (Sapporo Snow Festival)

Once again I must start off with how bad I am about consistently putting these blog posts out. I will now say that the new bar for consistency is going to be "every once in awhile." Teaching at 12 schools means teaching a class every single period every single day, which means I'm tired every …

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The First Semester Comes to a Close…

It's been a crazy 5 months since I arrived in Japan filled with lots of new friendships and experiences. In these last 5 months I've learned a lot about myself and answered a lot of pretty big questions for my life going forward. It's reinforced my already strong feelings about my personal relationships and has really …

Continue reading The First Semester Comes to a Close…

KAPIC (JET Training and Cultural Orientation)

Where do I start? 久しぶりですね。It's been awhile hasn't it? That's because I've been beyond busy. Since I started my orientation last week I've been busy going on trips and planning lessons for my first class this Friday. For starters I'll try to summarize my experience at KAPIC, which is something like a retreat for groups …

Continue reading KAPIC (JET Training and Cultural Orientation)